Compare your prices with Shopmania

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Ángela de la Vieja

Shopmania, Google Shopping, Ciao and Kelkoo amongst others, take part of the most known price comparators for final clients. A great number of ecommerce sales come from a previous comparison in these platforms.  The flow is as follows:

  1. A client interested in a single product accesses to Shopmania to localise stores that commercialise with it.
  2. After searching, Shopmania shows the price and stores comparison where the client can find the product.
  3. The client makes his purchase decision, usually regarding the price, and he is readdressed to the store to make the order.

How can an ecommerce control this situation and keep competitive?

In Minderest, we have incorporated a new competitor which allows you to compare your prices: Shopmania.

Now, we can compare each of our catalogue products with the same price that is commercialised in Shopmania. Thus, we will avoid sales loss caused by a lack of competitiveness, and at the same time, we will understand how the price tendency in the market is for our products.

Shopmania is joined, therefore, to Google Shooping, as an available price comparator in our competitive analysis.

Find out how Minderest can take your business to the next level.

Contact our pricing experts to see the platform in action.

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