Catalogue intelligence applied to ecommerce
An essential part in the creation of an ecommerce is the catalogue selection, which will be always available for sales. The first question that arises is, which products should I attach to my...
An extensive library of specialized articles focusing on pricing strategies, eCommerce and more for manufacturers and retailers.
An essential part in the creation of an ecommerce is the catalogue selection, which will be always available for sales. The first question that arises is, which products should I attach to my...
Dynamic Pricing is a pricing strategy designed to use flexible prices depending on market offer and demand. This technique is known in certain industries such as Flight booking, in which prices change...
As it is well known, price is a transversal element which directly affects the clients´ buying decision. Regardless of being a common element, the pricing management differs considerably depending on...
An e commerce catalogue keeps changing all the time and it is frequent that in one month some hundreds of products are either added or removed. New brands, new product types, discontinued products,...
What should we bear in mind when it comes to monitoring our competitors? There are many issues to be taken into account when designing a price tracking strategy. In Minderest we are going to give an...
Setting prices in an e Commerce with Presta Shop is now much easier with Minderest price monitoring software. Install our new module of price intelligence in the PS Back office and you will be able to...
Being aware of the competition´s prices can be a complex task if one doesn´t have a Competition´s price monitoring software. One of the main reasons for buyers to purchase online is to have access to...
The main purchasing factor for discount coupons platforms are with no doubt the price. Groupon, Letsbonus, Groupalia and oferplan amongst others, have succeeded by offering great value for money...
One of the Technologies which have experienced a bigger growth in recent years is the one known as Big Data, that is to say, applying analysis on big volumes of data in order to optimize processes and...